About CodaSwitch Vocal Arts 

CodaSwitch Vocal Arts empowers singers, occupational voice users, and performing arts professionals with expert guidance to elevate their vocal performance abilities and fulfill their musical aspirations.

Our tailored approach, grounded in evidence-based methods, ensures clients achieve their goals, unlock their unique potential, and advance through a structured development process, one step at a time.

Under Makeda Hampton's leadership, CodaSwitch has successfully guided many clients towards their academic and artistic goals. Her commitment to fostering talent and facilitating equitable access to resources underscores her impact as a leader in the field of vocal arts.


CodaSwitch Features…


Porsche Vanderhorst

Michael Parham

Our Commitment is Your Success

Dedicated Mentorship: 
CodaSwitch Vocal Arts is emerging as a stand out service for its strong emphasis on mentorship and supplemental music education, offering personalized career and artistic guidance that helps clients navigate the competitive field of vocal performance and achieve their academic, professional and creative goals.

Equitable Access to Resources: 
CodaSwitch Vocal Arts is committed to facilitating equitable access to vocal resources, ensuring that all clients, regardless of background, have the tools and support needed to succeed in their musical endeavors.

Clients of CodaSwitch Vocal Arts have achieved remarkable success securing placements in graduate voice programs, winning competitions, receiving offers for stage performances, and maintaining longevity & health of the voice. 



  • Voice Lessons
  • Graduate Entrance Exam Preparation
  • Tutoring in Lyric Diction, Voice Science, Music Theory and Basic Musicianship
  • Voice Production & Vocal Health coaching & clinics for public speakers